Join Our 200 Club

A great way for you to support us whilst having a bit of a flutter!

Here’s how it works…

Would you like to have a chance of winning up to £75, £50 or £25 a month?

Complete and sign the membership form which can be accessed by this link and the information will be automatically sent to the Secretary.  Alternatively, you can download the form here, which will need to be sent to the Secretary.

Please make an annual payment of £36 (equating to £3 / month) by BACS or cheque or by card at a public event where we have a presence.

This buys one person one membership number (which we will allocate) and will be entered  into the monthly draw. All participants who purchase a number must be over 16, however adults can purchase for members of their families. We encourage you to consider buying several numbers!

The draw will take place at the Hellens produce market on the first Saturday of each month, or at a public setting.

If you win, a cheque will be posted to your home address and the name of the winner published in The Mercury, on Facebook and on our website (with your consent).

The prize money will be approximately 30% of the total taken annually. The remaining 70% raises funds for the Community Shop, Café & Post Office. 

We will activate the draw when we have a minimum of 100 members.

Any queries, please contact Nicola Johnson / Gillian Yegwart on 07891 378379 / 01531 660866 778825 or email

 Join our 200 club today and you could be our next winner!

200 Club Rules

Download the 200 Club rules.

200 Club Sign Up

Download the sign up form.

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